The cineplex has 10 hugmongus screens, The snack bar was famous for its Frankenfood, some of which was almost editable .
The various screens showed movies ranging from the classics, to 3rd rate horror flicks, that were carptacular, not to be missed. One screen had home movies. Dumbfounded debutantes paraded across the screen, with blank bionic looks giving their lack of usefulness away. Their only redeeming quality was their bodies, barely covered in tiny poked dotted bikinis. If one looked closely they could see the scares from many plastic surgeries. The glitz was surpassed only b the stupidly of the whole thing. Yet people watched, in spite of themselves.
Meanwhile in other screens the audiences sat blissfully watching edutainment, ideally punching emoticans on there handheld devices
When the movies let out, The denizens of the theater, marched out into their quiet live, completely unaware of the malware that had been implanted in their minds..
This post needs a little explanation. The prompt this week was Portmanteau:.
Which I have admit I had never heard of before. So some Googling was in order. Here is what they had on the Studio 30 prompt page;
[noun] the combination of two or more words to create a new word.(examples: bromance, snowpocalypse, brunch, sexting. Use one of these portmanteau or pick one of your own.)
So I thought it would be fun to see how many I could use in a story.
The various screens showed movies ranging from the classics, to 3rd rate horror flicks, that were carptacular, not to be missed. One screen had home movies. Dumbfounded debutantes paraded across the screen, with blank bionic looks giving their lack of usefulness away. Their only redeeming quality was their bodies, barely covered in tiny poked dotted bikinis. If one looked closely they could see the scares from many plastic surgeries. The glitz was surpassed only b the stupidly of the whole thing. Yet people watched, in spite of themselves.
Meanwhile in other screens the audiences sat blissfully watching edutainment, ideally punching emoticans on there handheld devices
When the movies let out, The denizens of the theater, marched out into their quiet live, completely unaware of the malware that had been implanted in their minds..
This post needs a little explanation. The prompt this week was Portmanteau:.
Which I have admit I had never heard of before. So some Googling was in order. Here is what they had on the Studio 30 prompt page;
[noun] the combination of two or more words to create a new word.(examples: bromance, snowpocalypse, brunch, sexting. Use one of these portmanteau or pick one of your own.)
So I thought it would be fun to see how many I could use in a story.